I see myself differently now...

Thank you both so much! I had such an amazing time and truly feel like it was a life changing experience for how I view myself!! I feel completely transformed.

Before my session I never had a problem being naked, it was very natural for me. It was the fact that I felt awkward, unsexy, and just goofy. I always wanted to appear sexy, but felt with my babyface that it was near impossible. After being shown one of my first photos during the session all of that anxiety started to subside.

Along with the encouragement and enthusiasm from Jen and Brian I felt amazing. I was feeling the confidence shining out of me.

Each new look and set up of the shoot I got more excited and comfortable. I was actually sad when we were all finished!

Once I got home I thought about how great that made me feel and how I wanted to do it again. So I booked another session for December. I am so excited for my next session because now I can go in with this new found confidence of myself and really get to be creative. 

I didn't know how to love myself...

Okay, here goes. I've always wanted to do a boudoir shoot. It was on my bucket list. However, my insecurities always got the best of me. My life has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. Awful and toxic relationships. I have always struggled to feel "good enough." I looked for validation in other people. Always feeling like I needed another person to feel whole. No matter how that person treated me. I didn't know how to love myself. They don't teach us these things in school.

Anyway, last September, my wife and I and our young twin girls moved to South Carolina to start a new life. Or so I thought. While living there, I was isolated with my children while my "wife" went to the police academy for 8 weeks. After she graduated, I found out she cheated weeks prior while still attending the police academy. Between that, prior abuse mentally and physically, and other forms of cheating I finally decided enough was enough and I got my kids and myself out of the situation and back to Ohio around all of our support system. 

I have been cheated on many times before, and we all know what that does to a person mentally, but this time was different. Instead of beating myself up wondering why I wasn’t good enough, I reminded myself of how far I've come mentally, emotionally & physically. I was angry instead of sad. But I didn’t want revenge. I had two little people watching me now and I needed to show them different. I needed to be stronger than I ever have been. And while I still struggle somedays, I think I'm doing a damn good job despite my ex constantly trying to knock me down. Soon after coming back to Ohio, I got my job back that I had before moving. A job I absolutely love I might add.

One day while working, a co-worker told me about a special that Sheer Photography was doing. I immediately booked a session and said "girl, it's your time now!" Cheesy right? My first encounter with Jen was a little awkward because well, I think we're both a little awkward lol but I wasn't nervous. When the day came for my shoot, I was nervous walking in. But oh so excited. Jen and Brian made the whole experience so comfortable. Normally, I would never walk around in any kind of sexy outfits. Even a bathing suit made me uncomfortable in the past. But I was determined to strut my stuff and show myself how incredibly beautiful I truly am. With the help of Jen and Brian, I accomplished that. At my reveal, seeing my photos made my jaw drop. I think I even said, "is that really me?!" I was so proud of myself!! I still am. This shoot helped me in ways I could never fully explain. So thank you Jen and Brian! You are two truly amazing people. 

Ready for your own #SheerExperience or have some questions for us, fill out the form below and we will get back to you ASAP

Whips & Pizza Excite ME!!!

“For all the babes reading this and thinking about booking their first session or their forth session (this was my 4th) just do it! From my 1st shoot to my last and all the met ups in between, Jen and Brian have been ABSOLUTELY wonderful and supportive!

I remember my first #SheerExperience, which was given to me as a gift from my mom and it was also put on Facebook live in the VIP Group! I was so nervous I had never done anything like this before and I had hated my body... but I got there & got hair and make up done. Jen showed me around and then to the changing area. When I was ready, which felt like forever for me to walk out of the room, I went and we started with simple easy poses to make sure I was comfortable with what was going on...

Let me tell you by the time we ended up on Facebook live I has a whole new women I had a love for myself, I felt sexy in a way I’ve never felt, I was empowered! I am so thankful for what they gave me and still continue to give me every time I walk up those steps! 

With that said, if you haven’t booked your session yet what are you really waiting on? You’re missing out on one of the most empowering moments of your life.”

Xoxo- Ti

From Self-Destruction To Knowing My Self-Worth

“Like most women, I've struggled with my own insecurities of self-confidence and self-worth. For the longest time, I've always had difficulty believing that I was beautiful. I've been told by many people how beautiful I was, yet was unable to tell my own self that. My lack of confidence caused me to compare myself to other women and would notice how absolutely gorgeous they were. I felt flawed, and my self-worth plummeted as a result.

When I found out that my ex-boyfriend had lied and cheated on me with a married woman, I was completely heartbroken and felt immense sadness and anger. I had the core belief that something was wrong with me and that it was my fault for what had happened. I'm not even sure how to fully articulate this feeling, but whatever it was, I just didn't feel ENOUGH. Pretty enough, clever enough, worthy enough, or just, well, anything enough. I suffered greatly from depression and anxiety, and coped by self-destructing. 

It wasn't until the day after my birthday that I received a text message from a good friend of mine and fellow #SheerBeauty, Miss M. In the message was a link to schedule a boudoir session with Brian and Jennifer at Sheer Photography. Miss M mentioned her own experience with Sheer Photography and described it as being one of the best and most life-changing experiences she's ever had. I've always had an interest in booking a boudoir session and I took her text message as sign that I should finally do something beneficial for myself. So I made it official! I booked my first ever boudoir session with Sheer Photography and it ended up being the best decision I've ever made.

Words cannot express how awesome my #SheerExperience was!! It was truly an amazing and life-changing experience!!! From the moment I walked up the stairs I was filled with excitement and couldn't wait to get started. Brian and Jennifer made me feel comfortable and were so much fun to work with!!! They both made my #SheerExperience an amazing one and helped me feel beautiful, sexy and confident. 

On the day of my reveal, I was amazed at how stunning and sexy I looked in the photographs. I couldn't believe that the woman I saw in the pictures was actually me! For the first time in my life, I said that I was beautiful and actually believed it! I couldn't be happier with my photos!! This whole experience and seeing those photographs has helped me realize that I am much more than what I originally thought of myself as. It has taught me that I do need to start loving myself more because I am worthy, I am beautiful and I am good enough. 

Thank you Brian and Jennifer for giving me the experience of a lifetime. This experience has truly made a world of difference in how I feel and think about myself. I'm forever grateful for everything you both have done for me. Thank you so much.”


It’s still so hard to believe that it is me in these photos.

When I started this adventure I researched every place that offered boudoir photography and even thought about if I could do it myself, but when it came right back to the facts Sheer Photography had the best price for a professional and SAFE experience. 

Never was I scared, heck, I could see myself stripping it all off again.  It was so good for me. I use to weigh a lot; like 300 lbs., then I lost over half of that and ended up divorced after 15 years. All my kids are grown up and I’ve felt ugly, insecure, zero confidence and hated my body. 

Doing this boudoir session, was the perfect chance for someone to show me what I had to offer myself. The Sheer Experience did so much for me. I left there thinking I could make it again and even started looking for a better job.

Brian & Jen made me realize I have a worth and I can’t let anyone, a man, friends, or even family destroy that. I hope all women look at my pictures and realize that I'm definitely not a size 4 and that I even was heavier then I wanted when I came in for pictures but I am beautiful!! Love yourself. Every morning and every night I go to bed remembering this when I look at my wall art.

Don't forget the CHAMPAGNE!!!

Before my photo shoot, I was so nervous about all the little things and very worried about how I’d look on camera. I’ve always had a lot of body image issues and feel my body is “boring” and lacking curves in the right areas.


Jen starts to boost your confidence right away while she works her magic on your makeup, lashes, and hair. She makes it fun while she does it too, which helps ease the nerves.

Then its time to get undressed for the shoot & both Jen and Brian are so excited it really feels so easy! (Heck, I ended up totally nude by the end 🤣).

When Brian first turned the camera around to show an image I couldn’t believe it was me! After that, it was game on!

At the reveal with Jen, you’ll have a hard time choosing which images are your favorite and that says a lot about their work.

If you are looking to book a boudoir session with Jen and Brian, do it!! I followed their work for years until I finally got the courage, which I’m so happy I did. You will come out feeling super confident and sexy...what woman doesn’t want that?! Also, don’t forget the champagne if you want to have some bonus fun at your shoot!!

Finding my CONFIDENCE!

I had been wanting to do a boudoir session for a while, but always had the thoughts of “you can’t do sexy, you can’t be sexy, you don’t look like the beautiful women you’ve seen do these photo shoots”.


I was always thinking about all my flaws: I break out all the time, my booty could be bigger, and my boobs could be smaller. In my mind, my body is not where I wanted it to be for doing a sexy photo shoot.


I decided to scheduled my first boudoir session, I went with my best friend so we could do it together. She had previously done a boudoir before, so she was my support system for mine. We ended up going to someone she had found on social media. I thought well at least if my photos don’t turn out great I wouldn’t be spending a lot of money.

Well in turn I lost more than a little money, I lost so much confidence in myself, and was scared to even show my now fiancé the finished photos because even though he says I’m sexy, I felt anything but that, deep down I thought if he saw those photos he wouldn’t think I was as sexy as he said I was before.

After I stopped dragging myself through the dirt, and feeling down on myself I reached out to Jen & Brian. I had known about Sheer Photography for 4 years, and absolutely loved their work! I told them my story, and they were there to listen, and provide me with so much information, and encouragement not to let this one bad shoot define how I felt about myself.

I know many people will be like ”well why didn’t you go there in the first place?” And like previously stated I felt that I couldn’t do/be sexy, so I went in the wrong direction that lead me to believe that so much more. When I decided that it was my time to try again I knew coming to Sheer was going to change things for me, I just didn’t know how much!


From the time I walked up the stairs, I felt so welcomed, and comfortable around Jen and Brian. They made me feel beautiful, sexy, and so so soooo confident in my skin again. Working with them was just easy, carefree, and so much fun! When I left I was so happy with how the day went and all the sneak peeks that came with it, but was still just a tad bit nervous about going back for my reveal and having to see, and pick all of my photos.

Fast forward to my reveal, I kid you not when I say I wanted to cry watching the slideshow of my photos that they had put together. It had been so long since I saw myself as someone beautiful, and I never really thought of myself as sexy, but HOT DAMN did they prove to me that I can feel and be both! Jen and Brian truly made me feel even more confident in myself than I had ever been.

I wanted to do this for myself, but I never thought that I actually NEEDED to do this for myself.


I am so beyond thankful for them, and what they’ve done for me. They made me love all things about myself, especially my booty! All I can say is if you’re thinking about doing a boudoir shoot, do it for you! Having a #SheerExperience has made a world of difference in how I look and feel about myself. If you’re like me and had a bad first boudoir shoot and are thinking about doing another one, do it! It’s not you that can’t do/be sexy, because you can and you are, and Jen and Brian are the people you can trust the most to prove that to you!


Miss A and why she booked a #SheerExperience

First off I want to thank Jenn and Brian for my AMAZING #SheerExperience. They are great people! 

I choose to do my #sheerexperience with them because I am currently ending my marriage of 7 years. It’s been really hard on me. I am a mother of two boys, one whom is in sports and going into a new school, so as every mom knows kids and change sometimes are hard, I own two business, and making a whole new life for myself. I was in such a funk that I started to feel so bad about myself, between the family and friends who I am losing ending my marriage, I was starting to lose sight in who I was and what life ment to me. I was told to do a shoot and feel sexy again to get back out there and be the amazing woman I once was. I went in to Jen and Brian with no limits, I wanted them to tell me how sexy I was, or how amazing I was looking. Having two complete strangers sit there and know nothing about you, repeat over and over how beautiful you are and just get excited every time that picture was taken, that gave me the boost of confidence I was needing back! I now look at my pictures every morning and remind myself on how strong I look in my photos and how badass I really am. I even made one of my favorite pictures the background on my phone, every time someone has my phone or looks and asks me “who is that sexy picture of?” Or “DAMN who is that girl?” I look at them and I smile and say me. The reactions I get keep me going. Knowing that people see me 100% different then how I see myself, they see something in me that I have been looking for and I think I am starting to find it.


My #SheerExperience

When I first thought of Boudoir I will admit I thought, “I can't do anything like this, that's something for models.” I am a person who has many insecurities about my body and knew I would not like any pictures taken of myself in that way. It wasn't until my good friend Allie told me about doing a boudoir shoot for her fiance for his bachelor party and for the night before the wedding that I really looked into a boudoir shoot. She too had some insecurities, however, following her shoot and seeing her photos she told me how much confidence she felt and how empowered she felt about her own body. The moment I heard this I knew I wanted that. I wanted to feel that way about myself.  I started looking into photographers but everyone in Pittsburgh I found I did not have a good feeling about. Allie said her session felt rushed and I knew I didn't want that. Of course we also see the cost and immediately have second thoughts.  So I started to look into more local photographers, since I currently live in Austintown, OH and stumbled upon Sheer Photography. I started to explore their site and immediately fell in love with some of their samples on their website. I did not reach out right away because I was extremely nervous. I had never done anything like this before. I started to run through reasons why I could do this other than I wanted to feel better about myself. I decided that I could do this for my husband because his birthday was coming up in February and I could give it to him as a gift.  I finally, after 3-4 weeks of trying to convince myself, reached out to Sheer and said I was interested in doing a shoot. I was very upfront about being nervous and how “out of my comfort zone” this was going to be for me. Jen and Brian were amazing. Jen responded in less than 24 hours and told me I should come in to a group and talk to her and some others about the shoot. So I booked my date and came in for a discussion. Right when I met Jen I knew I liked her. I mean what girl doesn't like another girl offering you chocolate and wine and wanting to take sexy photos of you? I had no idea what to expect. I had no idea what to wear, how to prepare or anything about this. I didn't admit it at the time but when Jen was giving us advice on outfits to wear and asked us what we didn't like about our body I wanted to say “everything”. But my favorite part of this night, other than meeting a now new friend, was hearing about a #SheerBeauty's experience in person. Hearing her testimony of how she did not like her body and now, after her reveal, how in love she now is with her body made me that much more excited to have my own #SheerExperience.  I explored several lingerie sites, as suggested by Jen and other Sheer Beauties on the facebook page, and found a few outfits that I really loved for a reasonable price (a few were $5 or less!). I even shared with my mom that I was doing this and she surprised me with a few outfits as well. As my shoot date came up my nerves were rising by the day. I decided that I wanted this shoot to be me so I didn't starve myself or try going to the gym 3x/day. I ate healthy as I normally do and I worked out in my normal routine.  Then came the day of my shoot. Let me tell you I don't think anyone could be more nervous than I was. I even packed a bottle of wine and 3 mini shots of Fireball with no intention of drinking them to be honest but just in case I needed to get out of my own head. Jen picked out the outfits she liked best while I was getting hair and make up done, which I HIGHLY RECOMMEND, because Brittany is absolutely amazing. When she was finished with my hair and make up I felt like a whole new woman. I had never felt so beautiful, other than my wedding day lol. Don't come in with expectations just let Brittany do her thing and she'll make you feel like a goddess. But, even with how beautiful I felt it didn't stop my nerves. I got into my first outfit and I was nauseous. I came out of the changing room and felt like I was shaking and I was. I was so nervous Brian could tell. I was sweating and shaking in my entire first outfit. By the time we were done with the first outfit and I was changing Jen and Brittany needed to take me in to the hallway for air because I started to cry I was so nervous. Brittany had peppermint oil that she rubbed on the back of my neck and the sides of my face. After cooling off I felt a lot better. We continued with the shoot and the more we took photos and the more Brian showed me the better I was feeling. I actually felt sexy which I didn't think was possible. At one point Brian and Jen asked me what kind of photos I was looking for and interested in. I told them to make me a guinea pig because I had no idea. That's when things got fun!! Put your trust in Brian and Jen. Jen will put you into poses that you cannot look bad in. Try your best to not think about your insecurities because Jen will make sure you are in the most flattering poses. I can say with confidence now that I did everything I could to make the most of my shoot and to just go for it! My shoot started with me shaking, sweating, and crying and ended with me topless in the shower and I loved every minute of it.  The following week Jen had me in for my reveal and I think I almost cried. I kept all but 1 of my photos that was taken. We went through them and hand picked photos I wanted to put in an album that I wanted to keep for myself and then we went back through and picked photos that I was going to use as present for my husband. This is where things got rocky. I got the present and I was in love. I was so excited to surprise him with these photos and with the flash drive so he could see them all. The day came and the reaction I got was not what I had hoped for. My husband actually was not a fan of my photos because there was too much makeup and he could not see past this. He likes me all natural and he decided to tell me that the photos “aren't you, I can't see you.” I was crushed. I went to my room and started crying for the next 2 days. I reached back out to Jen and thought I made the worst mistake of my life. But as time went on and I kept looking at my photos I was more angry than sad that he didn't like them because I felt sexy. Jen messaged me when my album came in and my excitement stirred in my heart. When I came to pick up my album I was in tears. I WAS IN LOVE WITH MYSELF FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE.  Do I still have insecurities, yes, what girl doesn't. But I can now see myself in a new light after being a part of the sheer beauty experience. I can now see myself as beautiful and sexy in my own skin. I am so happy that I chose to do this and so thankful to Jen for her support throughout this entire experience.

So, if I want to share anything with you sheer beauties about this whole experience it is this:

1) Be courageous, step out of your comfort zone as hard as it might be cause the outcome is well worth it.

2) If you want to do this, DO IT FOR YOURSELF, NOT FOR SOMEONE ELSE.

What started as a wedding gift turned into so much more.


Hey there Beauties! I was first introduced to sheer photographies VIP page a year ago. At first, I was hesitant to be apart of the group, but after seeing all of these beautiful women share their #SheerExperience and post their stunning pics I couldn’t leave!

These beautiful women in the group would post their sneak peak photos and all I could think to myself was “this would be such a great gift for my fiancé, but there’s no way I could do it.” I kept wishing I could be like those women, the courage that they showed for sharing their photos was something I admired in itself! Let’s face it, we all have insecurities and that would be my biggest fear is showing those insecurities for everyone to see. I have struggled with my body my entire life. Growing up my weight was always a problem and I never liked a thing about the way I looked.

Getting ready for work one morning, I saw Jen and Brian posted something about an awesome deal that was coming up and when they finally announced it, something inside of me just said “do the damn thing!” And well... I pulled out my credit card and booked! I was nervous and excited all at once and their was no turning back now! Can I do this? I knew this would be a great gift for my now husband and I just had to go through with it.

The day of the shoot came around, I put on my makeup, struggled putting on my fake lashes and was on my way. I was a nervous wreck! I got to the studio so early that I decided to stop for ice cream as a stress eater to calm my nerves.. yeah, I know that wasn’t the best idea. I get there and Jen has me lay out my outfits and the nerves started to go away just from having a conversation with her. I felt like I was talking to a good friend.  I get into my first outfit, step into my first pose, Brian snaps the first picture and shows me... is that really me?! Okay, I got this now! The shoot was so fun and Jen literally does the poses with you which is a huge help! Because let’s be real, she is the pose queen!


A week goes by and I get my reveal. Well, I’m blown away. It was so hard to pick!! And I couldn’t believe that was actually me! I honestly wanted to cry. I finally could see what my husband has been telling me all along. I left with so much confidence, it truly was the best feeling. Could I really wait to give this as a wedding present? Yeah, that answer was a no! I had to show him! And of course, he LOVED them!! So much so, my pictures are his background on his phone, which is another confidence booster let’s be real.

So for you ladies that are second guessing yourself for whatever that reason may be, my advice for you is to do it for yourself! What I thought was a gift for my husband turned out to be more of a gift for me. It made me love the body I am in. You will not be disappointed trust me! Jen and Brian are such great people and they go above and beyond for their sheer beauties! So stop waiting and book!!


Miss L and her journey.


I found a group whose mission is lift and empower other woman. To appreciate true beauty, the beauty of a person’s soul. Brian & Jen have found a way to artfully expose not only our bodies but the true beauty of our souls. Cheesy? Yes of course but all the best most joyful true moments, experiences in life are simply that. I’ll assume my story is like that of other women, and if you’re researching Sheer Photography yours too. I wanted to do a #SheerExoerience for a while, like a long time. I didn’t think I was “ready” to show off my body in that way. I compared the way I looked to others, always focusing on the flaws, not good enough. I went through a divorce and it wasn’t difficult, I was over the relationship at that time. It was the years it took me to feel okay with the decision to leave. I found strength in myself along that journey with the help of friends and family. I coped in ways I could including unhealthy and healthy. Luckily, the healthy coping lead me to Brian & Jen. I decided that after all my hard work both emotionally and physically I wanted to appreciate where I was. I looked on Instagram, used a hashtag search and found a few photography studios that did great quality. I was specifically looking for bodyscaping, use of light & shadow to showcase up-close detail & the curves of my body. I watched these studios for a few months, anyone can get lucky with 1 or 2 great exposures. Brian & Jen consistently produced great quality photos and I loved their style of inspirational sayings posted on their Instagram account. I contacted Brian & Jen, got the details and booked my session. The days leading up I was nervous, like oh shit how am I going to look, again focusing on my flaws.   I had to remind myself they were great at their work & they would make me look amazing- I put my faith in their abilities. I drove from Columbus to their studio for my #SheerExpereince.  It was completely worth the drive. I had only spoken on the phone but they were warm, welcoming & super fun to work with. I enjoyed every minute and knew before I left I’d book another session. Brain showed me an exposure on the camera during my session- the picture showed a gorgeous, sultry woman, not how I would’ve described myself but it was me! I am in lust with the exposures from my session. Ecstatic that I did this for myself and looking forward to my next session.


Eat the damn cake!!!


A frequently asked question we get is, “what do I need to do to get ready for my #SheerExperience?” So we put together a few of our favorite tips, and we hope this helps whether it’s a session with Sheer, or another boudoir photographer.

  1. Be Confident - Nerves are part of your experience, and are completely normal to have. But it’s time to love yourself more and finally be confident in who you are. We promise to work with you every step during your #SheerExperience. Our goal is for you to feel like a completely new woman after your session.

  2. Wear lose clothing to the studio - The last thing you want are any unwanted lines that your clothing may leave, or trying to take off a tight shirt after you’ve had hair and makeup done. We recommend you arrive in sweatpants, a loose shirt, and braless.

  3. Skip the tanning bed and spray tan - If you normally tan stick to your routine. If you don’t though, skip that temptation to start. Skin that’s not used to the tanning bed may appear blotchy after a visit or two due to uneven tanning. The last thing we want you to worry about is your skin.

  4. Bring lots of outfits choices - I mean, who doesn’t like to shop, I know I do. Bring at least one more outfit than your session allows. Bring at least that totally fits your style, and something outside of your comfort zone. After all, this is something that’s probably out of your comfort zone to begin with, so embrace it and have fun.

  5. Get your body ready - If you shave then shave, and f you wax then wax. The last thing you want to do is try something new and have it irritate your skin. Paint those finger and toenails, but avoid really bright colors. French tips and neutral solid color gel photographs best. Even clean nails are better than chippy nail polish

  6. Start stretching - A common theme I hear from clients the next day is “you were so right, I can’t believe my muscles are so sore”. As little as 5-10 minutes a day can make a huge difference, and your body will thank you for it.

  7. Eat smart and drink lots of water - Drinking lots of water and eating right will help give you a healthy glow and make you feel so much better. Be sure to eat breakfast the morning of your session. Eggs, toast, fruit, juices are all perfect choices. AVOID THOSE FASTFOOD DRIVE THROUGHS. With that being said, if you’re at a birthday party and there’s cake, EAT THE DAMN CAKE. It’s cake after all and who doesn’t love it.

Just Do It!

Have you ever wanted to book a boudoir session but thought “I don’t have a reason to do this, I need to lose 10lbs, I don’t have the confidence to do something like this, I don’t look like those women you share...etc”. Almost every woman we have done a session with has felt this way at one point or another before her #SheerExperience. These four brave ladies volunteered to jump back in front of our camera to let you know how they felt leading up to, during and after the boudoir session with Sheer. Please take a few minutes to watch this if you’ve ever wanted to book a shoot, but have any reservations about doing it. We all promise that you won’t regret it. Just do it!!