Turning 50 & Feeling Fabulous!!

I see all these women, beautiful women on Sheer's facebook page and decide to check our Sheer Photography's website.  I'm instantly blown away.  Women of all different shapes, sizes & ages.  But I'm going to be 50!!  50 years old, like half a century...  I'm too old, I thought and just kept watching the group.  I can't afford it, and just kept watching, until one day I felt horrible.  I felt like nothing in my life was going right at that moment and if I didn't just take the plunge, I probably never would, and so I did.  The week before my shoot, my hair appointment was messed up, I didn't have time to get everything done that I wanted & of course I had to break out in stress hives and be put on steroids. I was so excited for weeks until it came closer & the day arrived.  I honestly found myself trying to find more excuses not to go inside.  What was I thinking???  I'm not like these younger girls, I'm a grandmother, I'm too old & turning 50 this year.  Why on earth did I think this was a good idea???


Answer:  Because it was!!  I went in a nervous wreck and even text Jennifer from the parking lot, stalling.  How did I want my hair?  You're the expert, you do what you do, I said.  Once Bianca did my make-up and hair, I felt better but I still had no idea what to wear & I had brought a ton of stuff.  Okay, Jen, you're the expert & I'm trusting you guys so you tell me what outfits to wear for which room & she picked everything out while I was in make-up & hair.  I just put all my trust in them, which was the smartest thing I had done that day.  As soon as we started, I could see how Brian held a very professional demeanor and Jennifer was more relaxed and outgoing which made me more relaxed.  

And the fun began!!  I was so busy trying to watch Jennifer as she demonstrated the poses, that I completely relaxed about the pictures.  Not saying that it easy or unimportant, but I laughed, I twisted, I popped hips, pointed toes & just had so much fun.  The time actually went by very fast because, it was so much fun.  Both Brian and Jen periodically showed me the screen on the camera so that I could feel more at ease and they looked really nice!! But in the back of my mind, I'm still thinking, I hope they look half that good once they are full size, it's not like I'm young anymore.  But I still felt pretty good about myself at this point.  I had a little more confidence when I walked out then when I walked in and I definitely had a good time!

Then it all changed!  I got an email with my sneak peaks!!!  OMG, that's me!!! I thought I was going to cry at first, but I was so happy & showed all my friends.  I can honestly say I have never felt that good about myself or at least since I can't remember!!!  I felt like a million dollars!!  A few more days past and I went for my reveal and I honestly can say I never dreamed that they would turn out so great!!   I messaged Jen and told her "I've got this new found confidence thanks to you and Brian.  I can never thank you enough!!"

From make-up to hair to poses, to lighting to helpful reminders to point your toes, and breath, lol, which they had to tell me many times, these guys are the most professional, caring, courteous photographers you will ever meet. Brian is so talented in his work that he knows just the perfect light and angles every time to make you look your best.  Jennifer puts you completely at ease once you start, that sometimes you forget Brian is photographing.  If you even have the slightest notion that you are too old, not pretty enough, to heavy, whatever it might be, then you NEED to do this for YOU!!  Thanks to Sheer Photography, Sheer Beauty VIP group, Brian & Jennifer, 2018 is my Turning 50 & Feeling Fabulous year!!        Love always - Miss C

Hair & Makeup by Bianca Heasley of Roots Salon and Wellness Spa