Don’t be shy…

Oh honey, boudoir sessions are all the rage among us ladies. And let me tell you, it's not just about getting those sexy shots. It's about honoring and loving yourself just the way you are. No matter what shape or size you are, boudoir photography makes you feel like the goddess you truly are. So, don't be shy. Embrace your beauty and go for it! To inspire you, we interviewed one of our #SheerBeauties. Her thoughts are a true gem, so keep on reading.

WHY DID YOU TAKE THE LEAP TO BOOK A BOUDOIR SESSION? I was inspired by an incredibly sexy and beautiful friend who had also had a photo shoot with Sheer Photography.

HOW DID YOU FEEL WALKING INTO THE STUDIO THE DAY OF YOUR SESSION? Wow, I gotta tell you - I was super nervous at first! But, Jen and Brian were absolutely amazing and put me at ease in no time.

HOW DID YOU FEEL AFTER YOUR SHOOT? I was so shocked at how incredibly breathtaking my pictures were.

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO SOMEONE WHO WAS ON THE FENCE ABOUT BOOKING THEIR OWN SESSION? Just do it! You deserve it. The high will last for sooooo long. It's been months and I still feel incredible about myself.

DID YOU HAVE ANY INSECURITIES OR WORRIES ABOUT DOING A SESSION THAT WE HELPED YOU GET OVER BEFORE/DURING/AFTER YOUR SESSION? I thought I was so fat and unattractive. But Jen and Brian were so supportive and funny that I felt amazing during my session and even more confident after I saw all of my gorgeous photos.

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO SOMEONE WHO WAS WORRIED ABOUT NOT LIKING ANY OF THEIR IMAGES AFTER THEIR SESSION? I didn't think there would be any pictures that I liked and I loved 99% of them. I had a hard time picking my favorites for the album.

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO SOMEONE WHO WAS HESITANT TO INVEST MONEY INTO A BOUDOIR EXPERIENCE? I don't regret one penny of my money spent. Not one! I love my pictures and the self-confidence I gained from it is priceless!

XOXO, Miss D

Trust me, after this experience, you'll feel like a million bucks. It's not just about the stunning images, it's about affirming your worth and feeling comfortable in your own skin. So, let's celebrate ourselves because we are all uniquely beautiful and deserving of it! If you are ready to schedule your own session, visit the CONTACT page and we will send you all the juicy info!

I did it for me! You can do it for you

“A friend of mine had invited me to the Sheer VIP group a few years ago. I had no idea what boudoir photography was, and when I found out, my self talk was awful! I figured I'd be a wallflower in the group and join in on building others up, because I was good at that.

When I took the leap to book my first shoot, I was on vacation with my daughter. I looked at the Sheer website and I was reading the blog. I couldn't tell you whose blog it was, but it hit me upside the head. I booked my first shoot right then and there. BEST. DECISION. EVER! I had so much fun the first time, that I couldn't wait to do it again.

For both, I did the shoot for me. Not for a present for anyone else, just a present for me. I still can't believe those pictures are of me. I don't know what sort of voodoo magic happens from the time the picture is taken to when it shows up on the viewfinder or in Jen's computer, but that woman I see, is what I want to believe about myself. I want to be able to look in the mirror and say, "Yes, this is me!" That was how I felt after my first time. I have one of the metals on my dresser so it's the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see before bed. That woman is confident, beautiful, sensual, sexy, and present. That woman is me!! That metal and those pictures help to remind me of where I want to be mentally.

Then this past Mother's Day happened. Life was doing its thing and I wanted to have something to look forward to. So, I went ahead and booked a second shoot. It was so much fun! There's even a few pictures I can tell that I had to remember to be serious because I was laughing so hard. Who does that, half or fully naked?!?! The app alone is such a good reminder of who I am and who I want to be and so handy! I've never liked pictures of myself much at all, and I haven't had an issue with that at Sheer. I do like them. Some I love, but I have yet to have one with Sheer that I just looked at and said eww or no or anything negative.

Between the VIP group, the sessions, and the photos afterwards, in whatever medium you get them in, the whole experience is worth it. Why? Because you are worth it, every second, every penny.”

XoXo - Casey

How bare do I go?

Hey there!!! Thanks so much for stopping by. If you’re new here, welcome!!! We are a boudoir studio located in Northeast Ohio. A boudoir session can be for anyone, man or woman (over the age of 18). We believe that everyone should experience a boudoir session at least once in their life. It is such an empowering experience. The self-confidence you can gain from it will last a lifetime. The feeling you walk away with should be something you can look back on and remember forever.

Now, I know if you are reading this, it’s probably not the first time you’ve heard about boudoir photography. Maybe it’s something you’ve been considering for quite some time. Maybe it’s something you’ve seen or heard from a friend. Maybe you’ve been following us on social media and contemplating it for yourself. But you wonder…”Can I do it too? Should I do it? Why would I do it? How nude do I need to get? Will someone judge me? Will I look ridiculous?” I’m sure these are just a FEW of the questions that run through your mind when you even think about doing this for yourself. Well, let me ease your mind a little and start by answering one of these questions for you now…I hope to answer more over the next few months. Should you decide to book a session, we send you a ton of information about what to expect, what to wear, a questionnaire to get an idea of what you envision and so much more.

So to start, let’s answer the question, How much skin do you need to show? It is perfectly normal for your mind to think “all the way”. But I assure you, you can show as little or as much skin as you are comfortable with. Most of our clients do end up fully naked by the end of their shoot with us, but only because they are so much more comfortable then they thought they would be. Before we even get started, I will ask you how much skin you would like to show in your photos. At this point, we have just met and most of our clients are a little hesitant and unsure. I explain that there are different levels of nudity. We typically start your session with an outfit that covers the most. While some clients don’t mind to bare all in their photos, others are comfortable going naked but not showing all the goods and using sheets or hand placement to not let any of their private parts be seen. Other clients prefer to keep covered the entire time. Whatever you decide is perfectly fine. We will only do what YOU are comfortable with. There is never any pressure to bare all or be pushed too far out of your comfort zone. No matter what your decision is, know that everything we do will be done respectfully and tasteful. We’ve included a few examples from past clients who have given full permission to share their images below. If you would like more information on booking your own #SheerExperience, please fill out the form below and we will send you more info.

5 things that have helped me...maybe they can help you too

Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Therapy, psychiatrist visits, medication, meditation, and the list goes on. These are all things that have been a part of my life, some more recent than others. 

In my mental health journey I’ve made mistakes, changed paths, learned lessons and can say that this past year I’ve been able to become the best version of myself. Everyone’s journey is different, but I wanted to share a few lessons I’ve learned along the way. 

  1. Routine. Having one and sticking to it makes my life less stressful and helps me keep up with everyday tasks that can be difficult to complete. For me this means keeping a schedule of daily tasks even the little things like washing dishes, and sticking to it.

  2. Therapy. Bi-weekly when I’m doing well and weekly when I’m not. It helps me keep up with healthy habits and work though anything that life throws my way. Don’t be afraid to change therapists, it took me a few to find the right match for my needs.

  3. Exercise. It helps me connect with my body, provides a positive stress relief and has improved my confidence and my physical health.

  4. Communication. The people closest to me, and even my closest co-workers (I know scary) know how I’m feeling. This allows me to have an off day or a bad day without making things harder by trying to cover my anxiety or ADHD. My colleagues have been more supportive than I could have ever imagined.

  5. Medication. This was hard for me, I wanted to work through everything using therapy and I struggled to accept that I needed more. I was afraid I wouldn’t feel like myself and the truth is I feel more like myself now that I’ve found the right medications and doses.

If you’ve made it this far your probably wondering what this has to do with Sheer Photography. My journey with my mental health has often made it hard for me to feel comfortable in the skin I’m in. My anxiety points out all of my flaws and when I step in front of a mirror my eyes flow to the things I dislike the most. This was my second session with Sheer and initially it was scheduled as a birthday present to myself but it as it approached it felt more like a celebration of the changes I’ve made in the past year. Jen made me feel right at home as I settled in for hair and makeup before my session, and they did an amazing job of making me feel comfortable during the shoot. I didn’t have a single moment where I thought about what if this isn’t my best angle or what if I don’t like the pictures. The highlight was coming in to see the photos, there wasn’t a single one I didn’t like and I can’t wait to have my favorites on the wall at home to remind me that I am a #SheerBeauty. The after effects are lasting, I feel more comfortable in my skin and even wore out the little black dress that’s been hiding in the back of my closet and I felt amazing! While the shoot is only one day it’s a great way to remind yourself how amazing you are.

XoXo, Miss J