The #BodyLove projects that we do are something that we hold very close to our heart. The first time we did it, we wanted women to embrace their "flaws". If I asked you to name 10 things you love about yourself, I know it would be hard to come up with enough good qualities or features. But, if I asked you to name 10 things you didn't like about yourself, I'm sure it would be pretty easy. We are women, we always put everyone else before ourselves and never have time to look at all the good in ourselves. With our #BodyLove projects and every boudoir session we do, we want the women who come to us to feel special, to embrace their femininity and sexuality, to feel like they are enough, to know that they are gorgeous, sexy and desirable. We want to help bring that spark out of you that maybe you've never seen before or maybe you haven't seen in a very long time.
We had 7 women come to us for #BodyLove2.0 who were nervous as hell and scared they wouldn't look good on camera, but they trusted us to show them just how sexy they were. We only had 15 minutes to get some amazing photos with each woman and help them see how freakin' HOTT they are! So, below are 4 images from each of the women who participated in our #BodyLove project along with what they thought of themselves before they got half naked for Sheer Photography and how they felt after their session and seeing their images.

"Before #BodyLove, When I looked in the mirror I saw me, as a mom, girlfriend, friend. I saw happy and sad. I saw all my imperfections. A typical day for me is waking up, getting my son ready for school, watch him walk on his bus. Then I get myself ready and go to work. Come home to my family, have dinner, a little fun and finally bed time. It's not a glamorous life, but it's mine. And I love it! After my #BodyLove photo shoot, I definitely feel more confident in myself. I didn't expect the confidence it gave me. I believe every woman must do this for themselves. They deserve it! When I look at my images, I see a sexy woman!" ~ Miss C

"Before #BodyLove, When I looked in the mirror I saw a girl trying to become a women. I saw a girl who's insecure and who didn't fully know who she was. I wanted to see what others saw. I wanted to see my true beauty. I wanted to see my worth. A typical day for me, I get up, get my four year old ready for school (usually rushing) throw on some makeup and black clothes (I'm a hairdresser) let out the dog and rush out the door. I work 6-8 hours at the salon, pick up my daughter, head to the gym, home to cook, eat, pack lunches, take a bath, bed, then repeat! After my #BodyLove photo shoot, I definitely feel more confident in myself. I see a sexy, strong, beautiful woman now!" ~ Carly

"Before #BodyLove, When I looked in the mirror I saw a body that defeats me. I tryed my best to love my body, but it really just seemed impossible. How do you love something you want to change so much? A typical day for me is, wake up, clean, get myself ready, wake up my husband and daughter, go to work, get off and pick up my daughter, go home and cook, do some more cleaning, get the little one fed and bathed put her to bed, work out, and lastly wait up for my husband to have some alone time with him. After my #BodyLove photo shoot, I feel the most confident in myself that I've felt in years. I now see a version of myself that I've never seen before." ~Miss C

"Before #BodyLove, When I looked in the mirror, honestly, I saw imperfections that aren't easily remedied. I saw stretched out skin, rolls, and chunkier arms than I would like. I know what my pre-baby body looked like and I can imagine it still and it makes me sad. I was angry with myself for making excuses for so long, my body used to take care of itself, but know I have to work on it. I would look in the mirror and tell myself "hey at least you aren't as fat as I was two months ago!" I am trying to love myself again. Doing a session was gonna be my gift to myself when I got my body back, but it seems it's gonna take longer than I thought. A typical day for me is Monday thru Friday I get up at 6am and get myself and my daughter ready. I go to work at my new job from 8-5. I come home and make dinner, do chores, spend time with my daughter and dog. I prep my lunch for the next day and my clothes, as well as my daughters. Then I normally shower and have myself and my daughter in bed no later than 9. Every other weekend my daughter goes with her father so those weekends I pamper myself by doing chores and spending time with friends. The weekends I have my daughter are for her, chores, and family! And that's my life in a nut shell. After my #BodyLove photo shoot, I definitely feel more confident in myself. I have been building my confidence back up over time for a while now. Signing up for #BodyLove was a way to launch myself out of that comfort zone I have become overly accustom to. The ease I felt once I stepped into the unforgiving daylight for my session was welcoming. Jen advised me to take a deep breath and with that exhale went all my insecurities. Simultaneously, I felt my renewed confidence flood my body and I could breath freely again! All of this is due to BodyLove, Jen, and Brian for their mission to revive the Confidence in all women. When I look at the final products from #BodyLove I feel blessed. The pictures capture the strong independent woman I have become and pay homage to the remarkable body that has sustained and given life. I respect my body more after participating in #BodyLove. I knew I had a distorted view of myself and that I need to shift my focus. These final products from Sheer have done just that, they have taught me to love myself again." ~ Miss C

"Before #BodyLove, When I looked in the mirror I used to see a body I wasn't happy with and stretch marks from my daughter. I have been working on my body and now I see myself as a beautiful person with curves and a love for life. I carry my stretch marks as a trophy so many women can't carry a child and I have been blessed and done it. I'm loving myself again. A typical day for me is attending school part time and working full time with rotating days off and on. After my #BodyLove photo shoot, I definitely feel more confident in myself. I do not see myself now as just a mom and a nurse! I feel like a sexy individual and I feel like everyone should get a chance to feel amazing like this. Jen and Brian were absolutely amazing and made the experience fun and enjoyable! Can't wait to be able to come back and do it again!!!" ~ Emily

"Before #BodyLove, When I look in the mirror I see happiness and passion. I see love and strength. I see the reflection of a woman that has lived life to the fullest every step of the way. A typical day typically consists of work as a hairstylist from 9am to any hour of the evening. Depending on the day my husband or I will cook dinner and have a family meal when we both are home. Our morning routines are simple -- shower and style hair & make up as fast as a 3 year old will let you. Evening routines include board games or jigsaw puzzles, incredibly playful bathtime for our boy and some quiet time before bed. Everyday is full of love and laughter as corny as that sounds, life really feels like a dream come true. After my #BodyLove photo shoot, I walked out of the shoot with a different air to me. A weight I didn't realize I carried was lifted. For the first time just the feeling of being a woman felt STRONG and BRAVE. I think for some those feelings come in many different ways but for me it happened while I shed some cloths and let some inner beauty escape. My images completely shocked me. I see myself in a way I never felt; sexy!!! It's amazing that an image can show such depth to me, my inner beauty shining outwardly. They are drop. Dead. Gorgeous." ~ Miss E

"Before #BodyLove, When I looked in the mirror I unfortunately saw someone that used to be in great shape, but after 2 babies and a divorce, a woman that has lost the fiery spirit she once possessed. A typical day for me is getting up with my 9 year old son and 7 year old daughter. After running around getting them ready for school, I barely have the time to put myself together. I never left the house without makeup. Now, I am lucky if I can put coverup and mascara on before walking out the door (usually though it's on my way to work...). I work full time at an eye doctor's office doing the billing and coding. After work is Mommy mode, getting the kids to their multiple activities then home for homework and dinner. Once the kids are taken care of and tucked in, I collapse on the couch to watch a movie or read a book...most likely falling asleep! After my #BodyLove photo shoot, I see a woman who while not society's version of perfect is far from being the gross person she thought she was when she looked at herself in the mirror. I see a woman who embraced the moment & allowed herself to be confident & feel sexy." ~ Miss N